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Anxiety Treatment Newport Beach, CA

Home » Anxiety Treatment Newport Beach, CA

Are you in search of Anxiety Treatment in Newport Beach? Our Treatment Center, Applied TMS, provides the most sophisticated and current, evidence-based treatment strategies customized to meet your requirements. Our outpatient facilities are conveniently located in Newport Beach, ensuring easy access for all patients.

What is Anxiety? Anxiety Therapy Newport Beach, CA

Anxiety is among the most prevalent psychological disorders in the United States. At Applied TMS in Newport Beach, we have developed a treatment service that empowers you to liberate yourself from the limitations imposed by anxiety disorders.

We integrate state-of-the-art technologies and empathetic mental health support to navigate you through your recovery journey. Anxiety disorders can impact anyone, and we take this into account when designing a personalized recovery program to fit your needs. We will involve you in all decision-making throughout your journey with us – we collaborate to shape your recovery around you.

An individual living with anxiety will frequently encounter overpowering emotions that trigger severe worry, stress, and panic. Anxiety can render people feeling incapable of managing daily life. Some common signs indicating that someone is suffering from an anxiety disorder include:

  • An inability to concentrate
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping
  • Confusion or brain fog
  • Heart palpitations
  • Chest pain
  • Overthinking and analyzing
  • Inability to control your thoughts
  • Feelings of dread
  • Consistently worrying
  • Changes in appetite

The Difference Between Being Nervous and Clinical Anxiety

Anxiety disorders can take many different forms, making it a complex condition to diagnose.

For example, everybody experiences nerves at different points in their lives. This can add to the complex nature of diagnosing anxiety as a condition. Nervousness and anxiety share a range of physical and cognitive symptoms.

However, there are some fundamental differences, including:

  • Duration – Nerves usually dissipate when the nerve-wracking event is over. However, anxiety continues. The intensity may increase and decrease, but it never completely diminishes.
  • Severity – Nervousness doesn’t usually prevent you from carrying out your day-to-day activities. Anxiety, however, can stop you from doing things that you enjoy and make it difficult to focus and get on with your day.
  • Focus – Nervousness is a response to a specific scenario, while anxiety is usually more general. For example, you may feel anxious but unable to pinpoint what you’re anxious about.

Anxiety Treatment: The Neurology of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders cause an individual to experience neurology-based changes in their mood and bodily functions. A person’s susceptibility to anxiety is based on various personality traits, emotional responses, and genetic coding in response to environmental factors. Our genetic make-up makes us more responsive to some stimuli and more resilient to other stimuli.

Fear and stress are natural human responses to danger – they help our body deal with challenges with the best chances of survival. Anxiety is unique from fear in this way, as it is a set of emotional responses to a future threat that might or might not be realistic. To a certain extent, anxiety is a normal human condition. However, if it is omnipresent or continues for a long time, it may adversely affect our daily lives and health.

Anxiety Treatment: The Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety is a unique issue that everybody experiences differently. As a result, it can be, as touched on above, difficult to pinpoint the source. Commonly, there are many factors involved. Some of those factors include:

  • Past or childhood experiences
  • Physical or emotional abuse
  • Neglect
  • Loss of a parent, child, or sibling
  • Bullying

Stressful life events, such as:

  • Exhaustion or burnout
  • Illness
  • Lots of change or uncertainty
  • Work or school pressure
  • Long working hours
  • Financial problems
  • Worries about the climate emergency
  • Grief
  • Loneliness
  • Sexual, verbal, or domestic violence

Physical or mental health problems:

  • Physical health – Living with severe, persistent, or terminal physical health conditions can trigger anxiety.
  • Mental health – Other mental health conditions, such as depression or eating disorders, can trigger anxiety.

Anxiety Self-Care Tips

Living with anxiety can be extremely challenging, but you can take some empowering steps to work through your struggles. Here are some of the best ways of looking after yourself:

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Use physical exercise and maintain a good diet
  • Meditation and breathing exercises
  • Keep a journal
  • Attend group therapy

Treatment for Anxiety in Newport Beach 

Our treatment is built around an outpatient model, ensuring that you can access the support you need without disrupting your daily life. We know that our clients have many responsibilities outside of recovery – that’s why we ensure flexibility and fluidity in our planning. After all, this is your recovery – it should fit comfortably into your life.

Fulfilling your responsibilities and continuing the healthy elements of your life will encourage a strong and sustained recovery and additionally allow you to test the techniques you learn in therapy in a real-life setting.

Related page: Anxiety Therapist

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